Front end javascript framework to build static and dynamic websites. Vue fundamentally changes how you think of web development.
The heart of the application.
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
name: 'Application'
Vue expressions can express all kinds of following JavaScript logic including string manipulation, tenirary operator, and built-in JavaScript functions.
<h1>{{ product }}</h1>
{{ product + '!' }}
{{ firstName + ' ' + lastName }}
{{ clicked ? true : false }}
{{ message.split('').reverse().join('') }}
Look at Scrimba videos as well.
To turn on strict mode in Javascript add use strict
to top of Javascript file, to omit a few warnings. Strict mode makes it easier to write “secure” JavaScript.
"use strict"
Objects are like structs in other programming languages.
var obj1 = {
key1: "val1", // or "key1"
key2: "val2"
// console.log(obj1.key2)
// console.log(obj1["key1"])
// console.log(obj1["key2"])
// Nesting objects
var obj2 = {
obj3: {
key1: "val1",
key2: "val2"
// console.log(obj2)
// console.log(obj2.obj3)
// console.log(obj2.obj3.key1)
// console.log(obj2.obj3.key2)
// console.log(obj2.obj3["key1"])
// console.log(obj2.obj3["key2"])
By addign keyword debug
to HTML element tags, it triggers debug mode for that elements and all children elements.
<body debug>
<div id="app">
<!-- different ways to render data in DOM, most simplest: {{ }} -->
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<!-- v-text tag renders message as plain text -->
<p v-text="message"></p>
<!-- v-html tag renders message as HTML -->
<p v-html="message_2"></p>
var app = new Vue({
// el specifiy where in the DOM to render the app
el: "#app",
data: {
message: "hello world!",
message_2: "hello <br> world!"
Separate data from HTML.
Virtualization the DOM. (Virtual DOM)
Two-binding. Bind the user input and HTML element. Using v-model tag
Property is a variable attached to an object. Method is a function attached to an object.
Serves as an invisible wrapper.
Two-way binding
Two way data bindings on form input and elements. Keeps DOM and Vue app in sync.
One-way binding
Short version :
Attribute binding, binds attribute with expression in virtual DOM.
Just makes element display hidden, instead of not rendering it as with v-if
and v-else
Makes for better performance.
v-show='true' Element is visible
v-show='false' Element is hidden
Event Handling, such as click, hover mouse over, etc.
Short version: @
<span v-if="seen > 100">ABC</span>
<span v-if-else="seen < 10 && seen > 5">DEF</span>
<span v-else>EFG</span>
<div v-for="element in list" :key="">{{ }}</div>
Emit data from child components to parent component.
Most powerful feature a Vue. Makes code more reusable and markup more readable. Make a block of code a smaller block of code.
Best practice: HTML elements without hypens, Vue components name with hyphens.
/* created(): since the processing of the options is finished you have access to reactive
data properties and change them if you want. At this stage DOM has not been mounted or
added yet. So you cannot do any DOM manipulation here. Typically used for data fetching */
created() {
/* mounted(): called after the DOM has been mounted or rendered. Here you have access to
the DOM elements and DOM manipulation can be performed for example get the innerHTML:
mounted() {
Components are like HTML functions. When a component is created, you essentially make a custom HTML tag. The props
field represents property, which you set inside the component’s HTML tag. The :
in :name
indicates that it is a Vue attribute. So the value you give to :name
is looked for in th Vue apps data
<animal :name="dog"></animal>
Vue.component("animal", {
props: ["name"],
template: '<p v-html="name"></p>'
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
dog: "Doggy!",
cat: "Kitty!!",
bird: "Birdy!!!" }
triggers when clicked on, :class
chooses which class is this element belongs to, used for styling.
<div id="app" :style="{ background: background() }">
<p v-html="actice" @click="animagus" :class="breathe()"></p>
The way we control the flow of the program through conditional statements and loops.
Event modifier, @click.stop
is placed on child element, in order for parent element click not to fire.
<li v-for="tab in tabs" class="nav-item" :id="" @click="currentTab =">
{{ }}
<ul v-if="tab.subtabs != null" class="sub-menu">
<ul v-for="subtab in tab.subtabs" class="submenu-item" :id="" @click.stop="currentTab =">
{{ }}
Add a bind()
call to your function declaration:
setTimeout(function () { this.fetchHole() }.bind(this), 1000)
So that your Vue component’s this is accessible within the function.
Make sure you name the environmental variables starting with VUE_APP_
in order for it to work.