Welcome to my Developer’s Journal, where I keep a journal of the knowledge I gained throughout career as a software developer. The purpose of this journal is to maintain a digital notebook to record programming snippets and document new programming techniques. Most of what you find in this journal are small explanations of concepts, code snippets, and links to external sources. Feel free to use any of the resources, however please do your own research on the subjects, as there could be better explanations and solutions than what I have found and developed.
I use Hugo as a static site generator to render the markdown files in my journal. More specifically, I chose the Hugo Learn Theme, since it is best suited for my needs of displaying my journal in a presentable and pleasant format. I also added a custom stylesheet to choose the color theme. And for writing the pages of the journal, I use Typora, a lightweight yet stylish markdown editor. And when I make structural changes and developments to the website, I use Visual Studio Code as my go-to editor.